a simple way to see how much time has been spent on Projects, and what that translates to in billable time!
see last screenshot for report input selections, which control report output:
person running report has the option to select a single Owner each time the report is run, to limit activities shown to only those owned by the selected Owner
- person running report has the option to select a single Project each time the report is run, to limit activities shown to only those linked to the selected Project
- person running report must enter an hourly rate each time the report is run
- person running report must enter a date range each time the report is run
- report shows a daily list of Project Activities for that date: Tasks completed, Appointments, Notes, and Emails. in order to keep the report as trim as possible, we only show dates in the range that had qualifying Activities [qualifications below]
- Tasks completed = Task's end date is on the date and Task is linked to a Project [only Tasks linked to the selected Project if a Project is chosen at report run time] and Task is owned by the selected Owner if one is chosen at report run time
- Appointments = Appointment's start date is on the date, All Day checkbox is NOT checked, and Appointment is linked to a Project [only Appointments linked to the selected Project if a Project is chosen at report run time] and Appointment is owned by the selected Owner if one is chosen at report run time
- Notes = Note's create date is on the date, and Note is linked to a Project [only Notes linked to the selected Project if a Project is chosen at report run time] and Note is owned by the selected Owner if one is chosen at report run time
- Emails = Email's message date is on the date, and Email is linked to a Project [only Emails linked to the selected Project if a Project is chosen at report run time] and Email is owned by the selected Owner if one is chosen at report run time
- within each date, the activities are sorted by time [end time for Tasks, start time for Appointments, create time for Notes, message time for Emails]
- for each Task/Appointment/Note/Email we show: category color, title, project name, duration, and currency value [duration x hourly rate input at report run time]
- duration, Tasks and Appointments: duration is rounded to tenth of an hour, ie 1:12 will appear as 1.2 hours
- duration, Notes and Emails: since Notes and Emails don't have a duration field in the database, at report run time we ask you to choose whether each Note and each Email should be calculated as 0 minutes, 6 minutes [0.1 hours], 12 minutes [0.2 hours], or 18 minutes [0.3 hours]
- 💍⛑ the diamond ring and red helmet images you see in the sample output above are simply emojis that I inserted into the beginning of the Project's Name field within my Daylite database, so they're actually characters within the Project Name
USER IMAGE at top:
💡TIP: creating a circular image is easy! 🎬 watch our video on how to easily create a circular image and insert it into Daylite
- *the Daylite report engine doesn't support repeat Appointments
- the Daylite report engine tries to keep data together when possible, the report engine will insert page and line breaks as it sees fit.
- output is PDF only
- not for resale: buyer may only install their purchased Product on their own computer and on computers within their own company
- not for resale: report is sold exclusively by Blue Rock. buyer is prohibited from reselling any Product or posting any Product for public use or distribution to other individuals and companies
- payment is through PayPal; please click the add to cart button to add this report to your order
- completing the purchase indicates agreement with terms of purchase and delivery
Daily Activities for Projects - DL316
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